When I was pregnant with Caleb I LOVED it! It was best I had ever felt about myself. I didn't get too sick I didn't gain that much weight, and it was the first time I felt beautiful. This time around things have been different. I still get really nauseous, my appetite is "bla"-there is no other word to describe it. I've lost 5 pounds because of it, which normally would make me excited but I get so worried that I'm not eating enough for the baby. Unless it's jello, popsicles, or a loaded turkey sandwich I don't want it. Don't worry I am currently force feeding myself, I just get frustrated that this phase wont go away.
I had a feeling that because my pregnancy with Caleb was so easy and labor went so smoothly that there was no way this pregnancy would be the same. When I was visiting family in California I had a "threatened abortion". I was bleeding. It scarred me so bad.I just kept imagining a dead baby. My mom took me to the E.R. They took an ultrasound (picture above) and the baby was moving around like crazy and the heart rate was perfect. They couldn't tell me why I had bleed but they said I have a low lying placenta which is nothing to worry about unless it doesn't change by the time baby is due. They sent me home on slight bed rest. I was so relieved. As of right now I feel okay. We find out if we'll be having a boy or a girl tomorrow! I can feel the baby move all the time which is really reassuring. I am no longer on bed rest, just pelvic rest (poor Matt ). I'm ready for the baby to be here so I know he/she is safe. I'll keep you all updated.